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Island Adventures adds the mobs of Shipwrecked into Don't Starve Together.

List of mobs

See Shipwrecked mobs on Don't Starve Wiki.

IA Changes

  • Many SW mobs have doubled health.
  • Jungle Treeguards have been added (Configurable, off by default).
  • If Doydoys go extinct, a new treasure is added to the Treasure Hunting table containing a Doydoy Egg and materials for a Doydoy Nest.
  • Floaty Boaty Knight deaths do not spawn more Floaty Boaty Knights.
  • Whale Carcass decay cannot be sped up via explosions.
  • Pirate Parrots give a sanity aura in Birdcages.
  • Pirate Parrots have additional dialogue when held in a Birdcage and the inventory.
  • SW Fish now have alive/dead states like DST Fish.
  • SW Fish can be stored in the Tin Fishin' Bin and Fish Scale-o-Matic.(Rainbow Jellyfish in the Fish Scale-o-Matic have a light radius.)
  • Critters, Kitcoons, and Woby follow the player on SW water in a Life Raft.
  • Quacken has quadruple health.
  • Sealnado can vacuum multiple players at once.
  • All SW bosses drop a figure sketch.
  • (Hallowed Nights) Yaarctopus gives a second chest filled with candy when trading.
  • (Winter's Feast) Quacken has a Feast variant, gaining a triple laser attack similar to the Celestial Champion's.
  • (Winter's Feast) All SW bosses drop custom ornaments.